Sunday, February 2, 2020

Interview on understanding and evaluating effectively another's Assignment

Interview on understanding and evaluating effectively another's beliefs - Assignment Example The interview was conducted with the intention to comprehend as well as to evaluate his belief in context to some of the mostly debated philosophical questions often discussed within my circle of friends. I correspondingly determined the philosophical domain for the interview, with regard to evaluating the responses of the interviewee, to be truth/logic. The interview was conducted in a coffee shop because the place would be neutral for me as an interviewer and my friend as an interviewee. I put considerable significance to ensure that the interview was conducted in the morning, as it would be the time when the interviewee was in a fresh state of mind, which would further ensure reliable responses. The discussion of the interview was more in casual way than formal. This further ensured that the interviewee does not hesitate while responding to the questions asked and could respond freely. Moreover, it would also be vital to mention that the interview was conducted following both verb al and non-verbal communication. This ensured that both the interviewer and the interviewee could get a comprehensive understanding about each other’s questions and responses. Correspondingly, the questions I asked and the responses I could obtain from the interviewee have been provided hereunder. Q.1. Interviewer- What life means to you? Interviewee- For me, the meaning of life is what one gives to him/her own-self. For me, the meaning of life is setting goals for myself and achieving the same, maintaining relationships in a responsible manner and living with principles. Q.2. Interviewer- Is there life after death? Interviewee- Nothing in this world is immortal. Even scientists say that universe once created, will also end at a certain point of time. So, I believe that if our life has been created and if we are mortal, life will end after death. Q.3. Interviewee- If God is present, why do we suffer? Interviewer- I believe, in order to appreciate the good, we need to face the evil or the challenges. So, God ensures certain sufferings for us in order to make us realize about the importance of being good. Q.4. Interviewer- How do you decide between what is right and what is wrong? Interviewee- I believe what is right or wrong to me might not be the same for the others. I believe I decide on right or wrong on the basis of morality rather than logic. (West Minister Collage, 2013; Klempner, 2003) 2.0. Analysis and Evaluation The above responses of the interviewee clearly depict certain aspects of his beliefs regarding some of the commonly argued upon philosophical questions. The first response of the interviewee, with regard to the question of meaning of life, clearly depicts his views related to his perceptions towards leading a prosperous life. He depicted that meaning of life is similar to what one sets for him/her. This particular belief revealed through his response correlates with the ‘science of reasoning’ in truth/logic. The interviewee also portrayed his objectives and goals in life and his inclination to live with principles, as the ultimate meaning of living. This statement clearly depicts his ‘law of thought’ about life. In this regard, he presented that there is no true or false way of leading a life; rather, it is just what one believes to be appropriate for him/her (Cowan and Spiegel, 2009). The response of the interviewee with the regard to the question of life after death, the interviewee was observed to be thinking straight forwardly about the scenario. His response to

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