Wednesday, January 1, 2020

I Have A Dream and the Civil Rights of African Americans

Through the years of history we find ourselves wondering how the colored people first got their freedom from the whites and how they stopped the racial segregation. There was one important man in history, which helped us see the hope to win the freedom for the colored people. Martin Luther King was a Civil Rights Activists, he who had a dream one day to free the colored people from the whites and to change the outlook on how people see the colored, he also had a dream of every man is born and created equally despite the different skin colors. The man who once said: â€Å"I Have a Dream Today†(3) has proven his dream to help the rest of us live out our lives with equal rights and the same amount of freedom equally for everyone despite the color of skin that we were born with. He was the only person along with Rosa Parks to stop the racial segregation not just in one country but around the world, they have both given history the meaning along with many others who have helped cha nged the world for the better. I Have a Dream speech on this day sometime in March in Washington is known as the single most important Civil Rights rally in history. It served as a sign to the Civil Rights act of 1964 and the Voting Rights act of 1965. Martin Luther King was shot and killed when he was 39 by a man named James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968. About two hundred thousand people marched at his funeral march. Dr. King’s speech did not comprehend any politics or detailed plans or programs of any sort,Show MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Jr.1332 Words   |  6 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. was a leader in the Civil Rights Era, advocating for the Civil Rights Act’s passage and eventually passage of the Voting Rights Act in the 1960s. In his capacity as a Civil Rights leader, MLK delivered his famous â€Å"I have a dream† speech after the march for Civil Rights in Washington, D.C. His speech was delivered on August 28th in front of the Lincoln Memorial. In his s peech, MLK made sure to emphasize the hope that many African Americans had in the United States. Furthermore,Read MoreMartin Luther King Speech Analysis989 Words   |  4 Pagesof time. His words sparked change for an entire nation and was an enormous factor in contributing to the African American Civil Rights movement. During the time of Martin Luther King Jr’s speech, the country was in a great state of distress regarding equal rights and equal opportunity for people of color. Riots, protests, and chaos seemed to be taking over the country as African Americans began to demand their deserved equality. Martin Luther King Jr stepped up through all the madness going onRead MoreI Have A Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.983 Words   |  4 Pageswho fought for the rights of African-American. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, America was on the brinks of collapsing towards a civil right war. Leaders were across the United States creating factions of people. However, King J r. was not an ordinary leader. He was a man with a dream. A dream that he constantly, throughout his speech, is talking about. A dream where there is no discrimination among people and freedom is equal for everyone. In his speech, â€Å"I Have a Dream†, Martin Luther KingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech923 Words   |  4 Pagesyears to come. Dr. King wrote his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech for the March on Washington for which he presented his speech in front of thousands of Civil Rights protesters and activists. In this exhortation, Dr. King beats down the issues of human rights, Jim Crow laws, and racism with the rhetorical strategies of metaphors, anaphoras, and ethos. In King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech, metaphors are used to illuminate the struggles of African-Americans gaining equal rights and the oppression they feel throughRead MoreCivil Rights/Secret Life of Bees986 Words   |  4 Pagesvery first African Americans arrived in America, coming over for the purpose of forced slavery. It’s been nearly four hundred years since then and African Americans are still not treated completely equal. But throughout the years major steps towards equality have been made and as a whole the United States is close to reaching this goal. The first key action taken was abolishing slavery in 1865, but African Americans didn’t start gaining equal rights until 1955 during the Civil Rights Movement. TheRead MoreThe Era Of Freedom : A Generation After The Emancipation Proclamation1599 Words   |  7 PagesThe Era of Freedom A Generation after the Emancipation Proclamation, banned slavery, African Americans were trapped in a country full of harsh discrimination, and humiliation. The twentieth century brought an era that changed the lives of every African Americans across the U.S. The Civil Rights Movement, a movement to sees the cruelty that every African American faced on a daily bases, was one of the greatest events that took a step into a direction that no one would ve imagined during theRead MoreMartin Luther King, Speech Research1572 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction- English, speech I have a dream was one of the most powerful and influential speeches of all time, it not only created the realisation that the Negro was not free, it persuaded that of white people to make a change for the benefit of the African Americans. The African American civil rights movement was creeping forward but two individuals created a greater atmosphere for the reinforcement of the movement, sure William Wilberforce abolished the slave trade for Britain in 1807, and thatRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is unarguably the most famous civil rights900 Words   |  4 Pagesunarguably the most famous civil rights activist in American history. His story and legacy is taught in classrooms across the country. From birth to death, Dr. King impacted the lives of many people and changed the roles of society forever. Dr. King had one big dream and what shaped his dream begins in Atlanta,, Georgia, and ends in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born into a loving and caring family on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. As an African American, he attended many segregatedRead MoreThe Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther Kings Speech895 Words   |  4 PagesMartin Luther King was a Baptist minister and social activist who spent countless years, fighting for a civil rights. It was on the date of August 28th, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln memorial is where King made his leap of faith and spoke out on the injustice of African Americans. His dream for African Americans to be equal, appealed to the emotions of his audience. The desire to live a civil life and not be oppressed was felt by many. Martin Luther King delivered a speech that would immenselyRead MoreMartin Luther King And King Remembered By Malcolm X Analysis804 Words   |  4 Pagespublic high schools unconstitutional. A few years later, the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act for African Americans were passed. During, these ye ars civil and economic rights were being diligently fought for. The unity of all African Americans regardless of their religion, political views, or social was being encouraged. Speeches and rallies also took place to end racism and instill equality. There is no doubt any of this would have been accomplished without the help of notable activists Martin

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